Tea dueling, also known as the battle of teas or tea warfare, originated during the Tang Dynasty but reached its pi...
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Su Shi, styled Zizhan and also known as Su Dongpo, was a native of Meishan in the Northern Song Dynasty (present-da...
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Yixing Zisha teapots are cherished by tea enthusiasts for their beautiful design, diverse styles, and unique charac...
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The earliest documented Yixing teapot, discovered in 1984 from the tomb of Wu Jing, a Ming Dynasty eunuch, outside ...
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1. What does Yixing mean, and what are the origins and history of teapot-making in Yixing?
Pottery has been produce...
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Emperor Yongzheng (Qing Dynasty), celebrated for his exceptional artistic talents and refined taste, played a signi...
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