French President Macron Visits China and Enjoys Local Teas in Guangdong!

French President Macron Visits China and Enjoys Local Teas in Guangdong!

On the afternoon of April 7, French President Emmanuel Macron visited China and held an informal meeting with President “Xi Jinping” at “Songyuan” in Guangzhou. During their tea session, the two leaders enjoyed two famous local teas from Guangdong: “Fenghuang Dancong oolong tea” and “Jinmaohao black tea”. Let's take a closer look.

 Chinese Teas at the “Songyuan” Tea Session

  •  “Fenghuang Dancong Tea”

“Fenghuang Dancong Tea” hails from “Chaozhou” in Guangdong. The term "Fenghuang" refers to its main production area, the southeastern slopes of “Fenghuang” Mountain, known as the "ridge of Chaoshan." "Dancong" signifies that the tea leaves are picked from single trees and processed individually.

What sets “Fenghuang Dancong” apart is its rich and complex array of fragrances, with over 100 distinct types, earning it the nickname "the perfume of teas."

The spring tea is typically picked around the Qingming Festival. The picking standard is one bud with two or three leaves, over a 40-day period. The specific start time depends on the year's weather and temperature conditions. Picking is not done on rainy days, before the morning dew evaporates, or after sunset. The process emphasizes gentle handling, with meticulous picking and careful placing.

  •  “Yingde Jinmaohao” (renowned local black tea)

“Yingde”, an ancient city in “Lingnan”, also known as “Yingzhou”, is a historical and cultural city in Guangdong Province, famed as "the hometown of Chinese black tea." Covering an area of 5,634 square kilometers, “Yingde” is known for its beautiful environment, with a forest coverage rate of 68.64%. The climate is warm and rainy, with abundant hilly and plateau resources, and a long-standing tea culture.

“Yingde's” tea production history dates back to ancient times, with records in “Lu Yu's” "The Classic of Tea" from the Tang Dynasty.

“Jinmaohao” is a premium variety of “Yingde” black tea, specifically the top-grade “Yinghong No. 9”. It is made from tender buds and leaves picked as one bud and one leaf. “Jinmaohao” is rich in quality, containing abundant substances, with many tea hairs, and is rich in amino acids and tea polyphenols. It offers a fresh, sweet, tender, and mellow taste with a bright red liquor. The tea has distinct floral, tea, and cane sugar aromas, presenting a layered and sweet fragrance.

To complement such fine teas, exquisite tea sets were used during the two leaders' meeting.

To cater to the different brewing needs, the staff prepared various tea sets, including “Ru” kiln celadon, “Zisha” teapots, and “Guangcai” porcelain. “Jinmaohao” was brewed in a “Guangcai” lidded bowl, paired with “Ru” kiln celadon tea cups, while “Fenghuang Dancong” was brewed in a “Zisha” teapot, accompanied by “Guangcai” tea cups.

These teas and utensils not only reflect the fusion of Chinese and Western aesthetics but also showcase meticulous craftsmanship. This tea session at “Songyuan” will be a memorable chapter in the history of Sino-French friendship, with Chinese tea adding a vibrant note to the occasion.