Ancient Tree “Pu’er” Tea: The Aristocrat of Teas

Ancient Tree “Pu’er” Tea: The Aristocrat of Teas

The confluence of the flowing waters of the “Lancang” River and the fertile land of “Yunnan” has created one of the world's top three non-alcoholic beverages, alongside cocoa and coffee—tea. Millions of years ago, wild tea trees thrived in the middle and lower reaches of the “Lancang” River. The indigenous “Pu” people discovered and domesticated these tea trees. Stretching over hundreds of kilometers from the “Dali” “Bai” Autonomous Prefecture and “Baoshan” City to “Lincang” City, “Pu’er” City, and the “Xishuangbanna” “Dai” Autonomous Prefecture, this area is not only the origin of the world's tea trees but also the main production area of “Pu’er” tea. Among these, “Pu’er” tea made from the leaves of centuries-old arbor trees is the most precious, a luxurious tea enjoyed by only a select few.

Located in “Menghai” County, “Xishuangbanna” “Dai” Autonomous Prefecture, “Hekai” Ancient Tea Mountain boasts an ancient tea garden with a long history of cultivation. The ancient tea trees here are old and towering, mostly found at altitudes between 1500 and 1800 meters. As you step into the tea garden, one ancient tea tree after another greets you, robust and majestic. For many teas, time is the enemy, as freshness and flavor diminish over time. However, for ancient tree “Pu’er” tea, the passage of time only adds to its value and rarity.