Why Pu-erh Tea Can Be Stored Long-term?

Why Pu-erh Tea Can Be Stored Long-term?

Pu-erh tea can be stored long-term mainly due to two reasons.

Firstly, the "aging" process of Pu-erh tea occurs during storage. The chemical compounds in the tea leaves undergo non-enzymatic auto-oxidation. This process results in the formation of volatile substances with a characteristic aged tea aroma, as well as polyphenolic compounds, amino acids, and sugars that auto-oxidize to form thearubigins and yellow-brown polymeric substances. This gradual transformation gives Pu-erh tea its distinctive aged aroma, changes its color, reduces bitterness, and enhances its flavor.

Secondly, Pu-erh tea is tightly compressed during processing. If not tightly compressed, loose tea leaves can easily absorb odors from the air over time, and the internal compounds and aromas of the tea leaves will quickly dissipate. However, when tightly compressed, the tea leaves have less exposure to oxygen and moisture in the air per unit volume. This slower transformation process allows the tea to accumulate aroma more easily. Especially after long-term storage, anaerobic fermentation by microorganisms contributes to the unique aged aroma of Pu-erh tea. This distinctive aged aroma only develops in tightly compressed Pu-erh tea.

It's important to store Pu-erh tea in a clean, dry, ventilated, and cool environment, away from direct sunlight to avoid overheating or excessive cold. During hot summer temperatures, store Pu-erh tea in a cool, shaded area away from sunlight. Additionally, during the rainy season, store the tea away from walls and off the ground to prevent dampness and mold growth.