Can Green Tea Be Brewed in a “Yixing” “Zisha” Teapot? — Absolutely

Can Green Tea Be Brewed in a “Yixing” “Zisha” Teapot? — Absolutely

It is well-known that “Zisha” teapots are ideal for brewing teas like “Da Hong Pao”, “Pu'er”, and “Tieguanyin”, but rarely do people use them for green tea. Many prefer brewing green tea in a glass cup, leading to the belief that green tea cannot be brewed in a “Zisha” teapot. Is this belief correct?

Some argue against using a “Zisha” teapot for green tea for two reasons: first, you can't see the beautiful dance of green tea leaves in the water; second, the “Zisha” teapot may smother the delicate green tea, causing it to lose its fresh flavor. However, this isn't entirely true.

Glassware is a relatively modern invention, and its popularity for green tea is due to the visual pleasure of watching the leaves unfold and the convenience of brewing. But this doesn’t negate the advantages of a “Zisha” teapot.

Smothering the tea leaves usually results from not understanding the nuances of tea brewing, which involves precise control over factors like heat, water temperature, and brewing time. Scientifically, the double-pore structure of a “Zisha” teapot ensures it is breathable but not water-permeable.

This unique feature, not found in glass, iron, or porcelain teapots, helps maintain the freshness of green tea for a longer period. If brewed with 80°C water and carefully timed, green tea will not be smothered in a “Zisha” teapot.

Moreover, due to the teapot’s breathability and absorbency, it enhances the aroma of the green tea. The famous poet “Su Dongpo” once said, “A fine tea is like a fine person.” He was meticulous about tea brewing and preferred stone-boiled water over metal, which he believed tainted the water’s purity. He even designed his own teapot called the “Dongpo Tiliang” in Yixing, reflecting the long tradition of using “Zisha” teapots for green tea.

To brew green tea in a “Zisha” teapot, choose the right shape and clay type. A wide-mouthed, short-bodied teapot made of “Zisha” with large particles is ideal due to its excellent breathability. Avoid using “Zhu Ni” (a kind of “Zisha” clay) teapots as their high density can smother the tea leaves, as well as tall-bodied teapots, which can have a similar effect.

Additionally, maintain the right water temperature, typically not exceeding 90°C, with 80°C being ideal for high-quality green tea. Finally, manage the brewing time appropriately, and after pouring out the tea, open the lid immediately to prevent the tea from being smothered.