Another Pride of “Yixing”- “Yangxian” Tea

Another Pride of “Yixing”- “Yangxian” Tea

“Yixing”: A Land Steeped in Tea Culture

“Yixing”, with its rich tea culture and picturesque southern mountains, boasts 75,000 acres of tea plantations. The region's humid climate, abundant rainfall, and fertile soil, primarily yellow-brown and red soils rich in organic matter, create an ideal environment for the renowned "Yangxian Tea."

Historical records indicate that “Yangxian” Tea originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty and flourished during the Tang Dynasty, reaching its peak of development in this period. Known nationwide for its clear liquor, fragrant aroma, and mellow taste, “Yangxian” Tea primarily includes two main varieties: black tea and green tea.

The process of making green tea involves spreading, de-enzyming, rolling, and drying. In contrast, black tea production includes withering, rolling, fermenting, and drying. “Yixing’s” green tea is known for its fresh aroma, while its black tea is celebrated for its rich, sweet taste. The famous writer “Ye Zhaoyan” once remarked, "I can't help but shout out for “Yixing” black tea..."

Embracing “Yixing” Red, Sharing “Yangxian” Tea

“Yixing” black tea, made from the high-quality fresh leaves of “Yixing’s” fine medium and small-leaf tea trees, undergoes withering, rolling, fermenting, drying, and shaping. The resulting tea has a tightly curled appearance with visible white tips, a sweet and lasting aroma, a fresh and mellow flavor, a bright orange-red liquor, and uniformly tender and bright red leaves.

A pot of “Yangxian” tea, quickly poured like water, slowly entering the cup, captures both a wild exuberance and an elegant restraint between the cup and water.

Over the ages, “Yixing” tea has embodied the serene and tranquil spirit of the region, subtly enriching the character of “Yixing’s” people. Tea, as a medium, carries with it a peaceful approach to life and a sincere humanistic spirit.

During the first snowfall in Jiangnan, brew a pot of “Yangxian” tea and savor the changing seasons.